What If

Posted on November 16, 2021

The XYZ, an advanced species, once the dominant life form on earth, take us on an epic journey, unlike any other, through time and space. The inspiration for these complex organisms which evolved from a cetacean (whale) lineage came from a still growing appreciation forged through years, weeks, days and many hours of research, some of the most compelling sources, interviews like this one, with executive producer James Cameron on the Disney docuseries (which we have watched numerous times) Secrets of the Whales.

We’ve always had our own ideas on “what if”. What if we could communicate with whales? What if their evolutionary lines had continued on land? What would they tell us? What have they been trying to tell us all this time?

It is equally encouraging, invigorating and exciting to share a passion with environmentalist and unparalleled Canadian film maker James Cameron. In only five minutes he manages to highlight not only the inspiration for our trilogy, but also the inspiration for the utopia we bring to life through the XYZ who inhabit it.

2 thoughts on “What If

  1. Nadja David

    Those enigmatic animals that we observe and cohabit with are such a mystery! It is absolutely amazing that someone like James Cameron, if only by his notoriety, is able to bring substantial budget and technological advancements to the study of these fascinating, beautiful creatures! The world could only become a better place if we were able to communicate on a deeper level with the animals that inhabit this planet. But maybe we’re just not listening. Can’t wait to read books 2 and 3!!!! PS: you 2 should probably find a way to get your books to Mr. Cameron’s office. There is definitely a mutual passion, always thought Percivious would make a FANTASTIC MOVIE!!! 😉

  2. Rusty

    Hi, just wanted to tell you, I liked this post. It was funny.
    Keep on posting!

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