Timing is Everything

Posted on March 14, 2021

Time is our most precious commodity. The longer I live the more this rings true for me. In surgery, the more efficient we can be in terms of time, the less potential for complications afterwards. Overall, the quicker we can diagnose a health issue the more likely we can correct it.

When JJ Cook and I started Percivious Insomnia over seven years ago we had no idea that when it came time to release it we would be launching a novel about a pandemic just as a real one took place. As indie authors this was extremely fortuitous not only in terms of releasing relevant fiction, but also in terms of the size of the potential audience. I read a BBC article recently citing that reading during the pandemic has been on the rise across all age groups, but particularly amongst young adults 18-25 years and that fiction is dominating readers’ books of choice.

So, amidst this perfect storm in one of the most competitive landscapes especially for debut, let alone indie authors, our little novel was able to garner not only the attention of Publisher’s Weekly, often referred to as the “bible of the book industry” but even more amazingly a tremendously positive review.

Beyond expectation, the novel has also been well received by Clarion and Kirkus reviews and we have had amazing coverage from Geeks of Doom, CTV News and Sci-fi4Me. All of this attention encourages us as we write the second volume of the Trilogy.

So as the hours, days, weeks and months go by and the number of chapters of the next volume in the trilogy, Percivious Origins grows, I can’t help but look back on how own personal “story” has been progressing. And if I had to reflect on one stand out it would be time: especially the timing that has impacted our writing adventure. As I mentioned…timing is everything.

Publisher’s Weekly review of Percivious Insomnia can be found here.

1 thought on “Timing is Everything

  1. Chantale

    Totally agree… Timing is everything in so many aspect of life; friendship, relationship, health, career, and yes launching Percivious Insomnia (amazing novel btw!) in a middle of a real time life changing pandemic….

    Best of luck with the development of Percivious Origin, can’t wait to read it and see when the story will
    take us!

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