The Sequel that Shatters History

Posted on December 10, 2021

A sequel that also works as a standalone novel, Percivious Origins travels back in time to uncover the secret of the present-day insomnia pandemic, beginning millions of years prior to the page-turning events of Book #1.

Percivious Origins is available NOW for Pre-order!

Introducing a brand-new cast of characters — only one of whom shares DNA with ancient Earth-dwelling ancestors — Percivious Origins shatters history as we (think we) know it, and offers a captivating vision of a world where human frailties like theft and greed are unknown to a species who live in abundance and value shared knowledge and emotional connection above all else.

“The XYZ of Percivious Origins were the dominant life form on earth 280 million years before the origin of homo sapiens,” share the authors. “They are an advanced species that eliminated the need for violence and warfare on an evolutionary level. We drew inspiration from some surprising real-life sources to create their origin story.”

“From the climate crisis to humanitarian issues all over the world, mankind has consistently forsaken our connection to this planet, and responsibility to each other,” they continue. “The XYZ throw us a lifeline in order to lead us back home.”

Taking readers on an epic, science-plausible journey through time and space in a story packed with sweeping romance, big-screen action, and super cool spacecraft & technology, Percivious Origins is a daringly original and captivating novel that will subvert preconceived notions about what ‘outer space sci-fi’ can be.

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