Making a Difference

Posted on June 20, 2021

Happy Father’s Day to all the other Dads out there! Being a Dad to six has given me the amazing opportunity to gain experience as a parent. Experience that has helped me with not only my own children but also my patients.

Pediatric urology is a rewarding specialty but it can also be heartbreaking. If you are successful, in the most challenging cases, you save a young life. But if you are unsuccessful you are left to deliver the very worst news imaginable to parents, just like yourself. It is the ability to help others, regardless, that gives purpose and meaning to not only a profession but a vocation, a purpose.

My adult and pediatric urology practices offer a diverse range of patients and procedures. A practice which has included everything from SRS (Sex Reassignment Surgery) to the separation of conjoined twins.

Whether a patient is ninety years old or nine minutes old, some things remain consistent, a devotion to the very best outcome and a love for doing what I do, helping others and making a difference as a front-line worker, every day.

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