If you Believe

Posted on January 14, 2022

I watched the documentary Street Gang – How we got to Sesame Street with my oldest son (who is 29) over the holidays. It was a trip down memory lane about a show that many of us grew up with. But now, at least forty years afterwards, to learn the back story, was epic.

Both my son and I laughed and cried and only now all these years later fully understood what the show really meant not only to us, but to so many others, and how it impacted peoples lives.

It was one of the first programs with a diverse cast, believing before it was popular that it was important for children to recognize themselves in the characters. Inclusion was the over-arching message and it covered adults, children and even monsters. The favourite being Cookie Monster of course.

The main takeaway went like this: Believing something could be done and having the will to do it. That is what Sesame Street is about. It’s hard not to take inspiration and encouragement from these words, especially as we have had to adopt this as our mantra, as we continue to write a trilogy together. And we feel so very grateful to have our very own street now, filled with friends, family and professionals helping us along the way.

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