Fashion Forward

Posted on October 31, 2021

We are at an important junction in the Percivious trilogy and it’s the perfect time to focus on the influence of fashion. In our first instalment, Percivious Insomnia, our fashion references are deliberately frivolous. They are accessories to whatever scene going on within the chapter.

In the second instalment, Percivious Origins, the role of fashion takes on a more concrete and determining presence. One that dictates culture, expression, protection, and even life or death for certain characters. 

While our next blog season will draw on specific references from both novels to highlight fashion references directly, we will also reflect on the influence of fashion, specifically the influence wonder women of fashion have had on the trilogy overall.

Art, whether visual, musical, literature, theatrical, fashion design or anything in between, involves a creative process. We all go to the same place. We come back with something different and how we express it is different too, but we all pull from the same well. How we translate what we find is unique, but the source and the gift, the treasure, is the same.

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