Change the World

Posted on May 9, 2021

A number of years ago, over ten years ago, we became involved in a company that from what we could tell had a ground breaking idea. An idea that made sense from a business perspective, and that was great, but what really attracted us was that it had the ability to help people, even the potential to save lives.

Starting out in anything, you are filled with excitement, you seem to have endless amounts of time. Ideas on where to go next are prolific. That’s in the beginning. And then life takes over and problems arise. At times it’s easy to lose sight of why you set out down the path in the first place. Especially in today’s world where everything seems to happen at superspeed, it can be very challenging to exercise something as unpopular as patience.

But here is what patience, staying the course, can bring from what I have gleaned not only as a physician but also as a co-author. The years of study to become a doctor were challenging, they needed to be, and looking back I am so very grateful I never threw in the towel and gave up. I would be leading a very different life if I had.

We wrote Percivious Insomnia over seven years, and there were many times we put it away and thought about permanently “shelving it”. But if we had we would have never experienced the thrill of releasing a novel, connecting with book lovers and other authors or reading those reviews that make you want to keep writing more.

So today when I get the chance to congratulate Dr. Waqaas Al-Siddiq, Founder and CEO of Biotricity on being selected as a finalist in Fast Company’s 2021 World Changing Ideas Awards, I do so with pride and honour at having contributed. Of equal importance is the takeaway, that a little patience, can even change the world.

Article found here.

Interview with Dr. Waqaas Al-Siddiq found here.

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